Wednesday, March 6, 2013

I've still been casually fishing and have gotten up to 1450 moat carps.
On days that I max out, I end up fishing on my mule if I have more time and actually could keep fishing without going insane.

Bertha started at level 0 because the mule I used to fish on was deleted a long time ago.

Eruntalo is up to 29 fishing, very close to 30, and has accumulated about 8000 guild points. I only do the guild point fish on days that it's convenient. I check out to find out if it's worth it or not.  Crystal Bass, Quus, and the eels that you catch in W. Sarutabaruta beach are the ones that I've done.  I also let Bertha catch up the crayfish on that day, since her low level was making moat carp fishing in Windurst Woods not as easy as it should have been.

Regardless, Big Bad Bertha is level 3 Fishing now, too.

I don't know if I'm getting moat carp at a good enough rate, though. At 33 I'm going to have to move to Rabao and do Sandfish to 50. I know you can do Gold Carp up to 56, and I'm going to assume that skill ups in the 50s will be so bad that I'll finish, but we'll see. Doing guild fish has been skilling me up, surprisingly, and I imagine that will continue.

Oh yeah, and I got 53 Monk, because one day I maxed out fish and didn't want to fish anymore, so I went to Gustav Tunnel and that was all right.  I think next non-fishing outing I'll play around with Puppetmaster because pet jobs are 10x more fun to me.  PUP/DNC FUN TIMES COMING SOME DAY.

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