Saturday, May 29, 2010

Aside from the great news about CoP missions becoming easier to do (finally) for Darkcow and me, I have been leveling my Leathercraft periodically since I left Chicago. I've been in San Francisco, which hasn't left me much time at all to play, but I did manage to play some today.

I'm currently trying to figure out my next crafting route.

I'm thinking Karakul Wool (lv.14 cap) just so I can make some Karakul Thread (lv.55 clothcraft).

Chains of Promathia unfettered!

Chains of Promathia Areas Unfettered! (05/24/2010)
The next version update will usher in a change of Twilight God proportions with the lifting of level restrictions in Chains of Promathia areas. Tweaks bound to further enhance your adventuring experience in these areas are also in the works.

The upcoming version update will see the lifting of level restrictions in Chains of Promathia areas. In light of the planned level cap increase, the level and distribution of enemies in certain Promathia areas will also be adjusted to pose a worthy challenge to players level 75 and beyond. A journey of rediscovery to your favorite areas of old awaits!

Level restrictions will be lifted in the areas below:
Pso'Xja / Promyvion - Holla / Promyvion - Dem / Promyvion - Mea / Promyvion - Vahzl / Phomiuna Aqueducts / Sacrarium / Riverne - Site #B01 / Riverne - Site #A01

Promathia Missions
Level restrictions imposed upon mission battlefields will also be lifted, making the Chains of Promathia missions more accessible than ever before. Adventurers who have yet to delve into the dark secrets of the Twilight God may now proceed with easier hearts!
*No changes are being planned for the storyline or mission progression. Level restrictions will remain in effect for ENM quests.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Leathercraft and the return of the Broo

You know, it didn't take me very long to remember why I abandoned crafting for as long as I did. If you aren't willing to shell out the cash to powerlevel, it's a real pain in general to undertake a serious leveling session.

That being said, I managed for farm up the aforementioned 5 stacks of rabbit hides, and along with my grass threads that I have accumulated over time, I started grinding out Rabbit Mantles. I didn't even hit 6 on these (starting from 5). I caved and ran to the Tanner's Guild and purchased the remainder, and powered to 7. Sure, it only cost me about 5000 gil, but if I get into this habit, later levels are going to suck.

The next craft on the leathercrafting guide I'm using suggests that I start spamming out Solea (Lv. 11 - Wind Crystal: 2x Sheep Leather). Funny enough, one of my first posts on this blog was about me farming for clumps of sheep wool, which I crafted from sheepskin, which dropped most often off of Broo in Beadeaux.

I bought my boatload of dark crystals, Windurstian tea leaves, and distilled water, and made my trek to Beaudeaux and started killing them. Drops are going pretty well, but I'm not gonna return from the area until I finish my 7 stacks, and after I make a few Wool Cloth out of sheep wool too, just for extra cash.

That's all for now, I guess. I just wanted to show you guys pretty pictures that have nothing going on in them other than my silly thief farming gear.

rabbit hides

After last night's post, I spent the rest of my time out in East Ronfaure farming rabbit hides for my leathercraft. They drop at a pretty high rate and I only really need to get 2 levels off of them, but my goal is to get 5 stacks.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

28 SAM, Leathercraft

After crafting a few of the Windurstian/Federation Gi set, I proceeded to power through the mid 20s, and am currently sitting at LV28 Samurai. I have refrained from using my
new Anniversary Ring on Samurai, as I plan on using it on my Blue Mage.

I've kind of overdone it with my SAM, though, so I decided that I am going to spend a little time farming up my Leathercraft. My goal is 20, but 10 is my immediate goal for now. It seems like a simple craft, and is useful for Clothcraft, much like Smithing/Goldsmithing/Bonecraft. I really need to work on my subcrafts, jeez.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Eruntalo as of May 2010

Here is my adventuring life in a nutshell!


Instead of leveling my BLU like I said I would, I've been leveling my SAM.

It has gone from 16 to 24 in the past few days, mostly by duoing FoV with Darkcow's Corsair.

I'm doing my normal FoV run:

Buburimu Peninsula > Pashhow Marshlands > Rolanberry Fields > LV 37

Monday, May 10, 2010


Level 58 Blue Mage achieved.

There isn't much else to say. Work keeps me from playing that much, but it's probably a good thing. Hopefully by the end of the month my BLU will be 60.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Blue Mage + Dancer + Chicago

I've been in Chicago living in a hotel since 26 April, and the internet at the hotel is pretty atrocious during peak gaming hours, which for me is 6-10pm since I work 8am-5pm. Some nights it'll work a decent amount of time, and other times it doesn't.

I have gotten things done, but overall I haven't gotten a whole lot done, unfortunately.

My Dancer is now level 37, so that is done forever.

I have since been focusing on my Blue Mage. It was 56 before I came to Chicago, and I occasionally do the Fields of Valor in Altepa, or I level sync with whatever Darkcow wants to level if he's playing with me, and we do Fields of Valor wherever applicable.

I did, however, get in my first real exp party since my dancer party that got me from 27-31. That party pushed me to level 57 Blue Mage, and after last night I am almost level 58. I need to buy the mats for my BLU AF body, so I can be pretty.