For the majority of this morning and early afternoon, I was in Valkurm Dunes and Buburimu Peninsula as white mage/beastmaster, charming bunnies and mandragoras and killing goblins as well as completing the Fields of Valor each day. In Valkurm Dunes I spent a short amount of time leveling with Darkcow, until he had to leave for work. Then, once I got to level 21 there, I hopped over to my favorite leveling spot in Buburimu and eventually hit 22 there.
Then I parked myself in Nashmau before I had to go to softball practice for the team that I assistant coach. When I got back, I joined Immortality Linkshell in doing Einherjar Wing III. We started it with leeches (gross) and marids, and the third set of mobs were Soulflayers, which are absolutely disgusting black mage-type mobs.
Then the boss of the area, which we began fighting with ten minutes remaining was a behemoth. He was vicious, casting instant Meteor every minute, while doing vicious AoE TP attacks, wiping out our entire 36-man alliance piece-by-piece. We had him at 20% health when we timed out. Regardless of the loss, however, I did get right under 2,000 ampoules of therion ichor, which goes towards my goal of 15,000 for a new ring for my red mage.
After Einherjar, Darkcow, Riibob, and I teamed up, level synced to my 22 white mage, and we did the later pages at the end of Buburimu Peninsula, on the coast near Mhaura. We flew through mobs, often getting exp chain #5s, which you normally only see in full 6-man parties. After completing one, all three of us had leveled, and Riibob had to leave. Darkcow and I did about 3 more sets, killing other random mobs as we saw them, and he got two more levels while I only got one more, hitting level 24 white mage.
Now, I am going to buy all the new white mage spells that I have missed then head to bed. Only 13 more levels of white mage to go then I can use it as one of my subjobs for red mage. Woo.
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