She's now ready to go to Tahrongi Canyon and begin the Fields of Valor chains there. I have bought here a nice set of [Tropical Punches] to wear as well as the full Brass set, which looks better than the stupid Kenpogi crap.
Later on, Resheph got on and we started talking and decided to go duo Fields of Valor stuff as my thief and his ninja, level synced at 67.
At first, we tried the final page in Western Altepa Desert. However, we found it too easy and the ants were too spread out, so we thought we'd be adventurous and go check out Cape Terrigan, through Kuftal Tunnel.
It was quite a bit more difficult, since we quickly became bored with fighting the rarabs and lizards there and moved up to crabs and raptors. Well, regardless, we completed about 6 sets today all of which rewarded around 1300 EXP. I popped my Emperor band and Eruntalo's thief got to 2000 to the next level before Resheph had to go.
So, now, I am currently soloing the last page of Western Altepa Desert trying to get that last bit and hit level 73 thief. Finally, I will get it, I think.
If Bertha ever becomes more powerful then me I quit lol!