After my last post I decided to move on from Tahrongi Canyon and head east for Buburimu Peninsula. The first mobs in the area were Decent Challenge or beyond, and the goblins in the immediate area were Tough. I wasn't sure if I should stay, being only 17, but I figured I'd check out the first page of the Fields of Valor and see what I would have to fight. Well, the list was one bunny and seven mandragoras, all of which were in the Decent Challenge-Even Match range (with a few that were Tough, as well).
Anyway, I decided to go ahead and do it after getting Reraise, Protect, and Regen from my tabs. Well, I have to say I have died a couple times in this third area. However, I have gained 4 levels in the past 2 days, so that's something worth mentioning. This game really wasn't designed for you to solo past level 15, at least for most jobs. However, I am doing it and it is both challenging and slightly enjoyable, but only because of the Fields of Valor.
In this area, each completion awards 475 EXP and gil, and 47 tabs. I have kept pretty even gil-wise with this, which is nice.
After hitting 21, I decided to head to the port town at the edge of the Peninsula, Mhaura.
While I was there I went ahead and grabbed two quests--one to get my subjob, and another that was just a random one when I asked a guard where I could find some work. I already turned in the Wild Rabbit Tail for the subjob, but now I have to get a cup of Dhalmel saliva (yum), which drops from guys that are currently Even Match to me. I think I'll hit 22 before I try to solo them. However, I think that I'm gonna need a little help getting the Bloody Robe from the Bogies in the area. They are lv. 23-25, not to mention they take reduced damage from melee which means they are going to be a nightmare for me to kill.
Hopefully I will have my subjob within the next 2 days. Then I will start leveling my monk. Hell, I may even keep going with monk after it catches warrior. I really don't like warrior and I've already leveled it to 75 on Eruntalo.
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