I have been spending most of my FFXI time doing the Fields of Valor on Bertha.
To summarize them, they give you, every game day, a set of mobs to kill. If you complete the "regime," then you are awarded three things: gil, tabs, and experience points.
Gil and EXP are obvious, but what tabs do is you can spend them on Field Support. Field Support are things such as Protect, Shell, Regen, Food, and Repatriation (returning to your home nation).
I feel like these Fields of Valor questlings are a good way to break the monotony of the grind, as well as fund your individual character in terms of gear and the like. Granted, Eruntalo has been giving Bertha some money to make the gear a little better than average, but regardless, she is more or less doing everything on her own.
Right now, she is a level 17 warrior. At level 18 you can do the quest to acquire your sub job, which will be monk for her. I will at least wait until then until I start leveling the monk. I don't really know what my plans are for her, but it's fun leveling a new character, nonetheless.
I might pick back up on leveling Eruntalo, but I haven't and don't really feel like it, anyway. The linkshell that Vacious and Darkcow got me in is doing a Sky run on thursday, so I might go to that. That all depends on whether or not I go to my litter sister's softball game that night or not, though.
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