Yesterday, while Immortality was doing Dynamis-Xarcabard, I finally got Chains of Promathia installed on my new computer. And, to celebrate, I decided to go into Promyvion-Mea and do the weekly Tactics Pearl quest with my Adventuring NPC Fellow, Yoli.

I solo'd (well, duo'd if you count Yoli) my way to the second floor and proceeded to kill 30 mobs to max out EXP for Yoli. Then, when she was about to quit, I finished the quest at the ??? on the 2nd floor. I went as THF/DNC, level capped at 30 but in my normal lv73 THF gear. (Thank God for the gear fix to level capping.)
Right after I finished the quest, Resheph got on, and I coaxed him to do it too while I helped him. Again, we travelled to the 2nd floor and killed mobs until his NPC was about to quit, then he completed it. In that whole process my THF got 1500 EXP which isn't too shabby. Yoli got 2400 (cap for the 2nd floor) on the quest, and now I have a Tactics Pearl, which will allow me to call her 4 times with a 10-minute cooldown, if I ever feel like leveling her hardcore.
She is currently at level 44, and though she's set at soothing healer I might put her back as an attacker since managing her MP is annoying. (NPCs max at 65 as far as I know.)
This morning, to continue my CoP fun, I decided to get a step ahead in my missions. I am currently on 3-5, which ends with a fight against Diabolos in the Shrouded Maw, inside Pso'Xja. Well, before you can go into that portion of Pso'Xja, you have to farm lizards or diremites for a chip for a quest in Lower Jeuno.
I went on my 75RDM/BLM, OP warped to Beaucedine Glacier, and trekked up the mountain all the way to the uncapped entrance to Pso'Xja that you don't need a pass to enter. I proceeded to kill all the diremites and lizards I could find, eventually dropping to the lower level where the mobs are in their mid 60s.
There was a 75NIN fighting the diremite spawn there, but I saw 2 lizards standing side-by-side and I pulled one with Blizzard III. Well, the other linked (surprise) and I proceeded to dangerously chip away at their health, and I eventually killed both, the second giving me a
Carmine Chip. So I warped out, went to Neptune Spire's Inn in Lower Jeuno and turned it in, and now I have the
Pso'Xja Pass for
Promathia Mission 3-5.
Other updates:
Road to the Lu Shang Rod: 100/10000 Moat Carps turned in.