I spent all of today and last night duoing with zombie-SMN-Vacious in Cape Terrigan doing the first page of the Field Manual over and over again. 4 Beach Bunnies, 4 Sand Lizards. Over and over and over.
Vacious's SMN is now over halfway buffered as well as acquiring a merit point (haha), and...
Eruntalo now has 3 level 75 jobs. Red Mage, Warrior, and THIEF.
It is finally done.
Beastmaster next! Though, I need to find something else to do to entertain me. I admit I despise meriting, and I know meripos are hard to come by as a Thief, though I could do it as Red Mage and spend it on Thief. I'm not sure, though.
One thing's for sure-- I need to spend some time leveling my Evasion and Daggers. That, though, I'm not sure I will be able to do on my own. Also, I would like to get the Evisceration weapon skill. I may be able to manage that. After all, I do have a 75 PLD, BLM, SMN, MNK at my disposal now, though if I ever do cause a death on Vacious/Kiila, you're damned sure I'm going to buff it back up two-fold.
Oh, and also... I graduated from college. Yay.
I have to admit, I love the addition they made to summoners. Once Vacious had Carbuncle out for long enough, both Vacious and Eruntalo were getting 12 HP/tick regen. I didn't even both using shihei to cast shadows. Eruntalo's evasion is good enough and I was stacking evasion gear during the leveling, so he wasn't getting hit too often to begin with.
[Edit] Really considering Blue Mage next. Damn I love their AF armor.