Aside from my mining escapades, which have gone quite poorly, I might add, Darkcow and I have spent quite a bit of time leveling our beastmasters.
Today, he and I reached 42 and 43, respectively. I am about half a level above him, currently, but it's not really causing us any issues at the moment.
We spent out late 30s in Eastern Altepa Desert, charming spiders and beetles and fighting beetles, dhalmels, and anticans.
After having a pretty rough time out there, because of all the sound aggro, at 40, we decided to move away from that wasteland of death and try out the outpost area of Yuhtunga Jungle, on the opposite side of Vana'diel.
We went there today, and there, we, together, gained 2 levels, doing the final page of the fields of valor in that area, as well as chaining Goblin Poachers and Robbers in our downtime near the Yhoator Jungle zone.
Afterward, before we called it quits, we took a jab at the first page of Western Altepa Desert, which is 7 desert spiders and 3 RNG Anticans in the area that are about 42, give or take a level. Doing on turn of this got me to 43, which is where we decided to call it quits. We may or may not continue for another level in this newer section of the desert, but if we do, I can assure you that we will not enjoy it.
I think I might check out the outpost area of Sanctuary of Zi'tah, instead.
God I hate sand!