I've been playing FFXIV since its release last September, and have thoroughly enjoyed my time in Eorzea. However, this past weekend I returned to Vana'diel to revisit the game that I have always loved the most.
Last time I played, I managed to get my THF to 80 in Abyssea, being my second-highest job behind RDM.
First thing I did was make the run from Konschtat Highlands to Bastok. I unlocked my Mog Locker, acquired my Mog Sack, and went back home-- to Windurst.
I switched over to 51 BST/DNC and outpost-warped to Altepa to do some Fields of Valor.
To my surprise, the first mob I killed (Decent Challenge) awarded me 180 EXP. I was dumbfounded. I proceeded to finish the page and I had gotten over 3000 EXP total, from the mobs and the resulting completion of the page. I was in shock, I have to say.
Darkcow joined me on his Dancer and we level synced and finished a few pages more quickly. I hit 52 with ease. He logged off and I found that, even though it was easier to level, I was bored with fighting DC mobs with EP pets.
I looked up some viable solo BST hunting grounds, and saw that flies and exorays in the Crawlers' Nest were pretty good at my level.
I returned to Windurst, ported to Derfland Outpost, and made my way to the nest. I entered, and there are people at the entrance. What? A game with a population kind of stagnant, and there are PEOPLE in the Nest? Really? I walked a few steps in and saw a book. It made sense. I checked out the book. It called a "Grounds Tome" and it provided everything that the fields of valor did. Little did I know how much it differed.
I grabbed the page for Hornflies and Exorays, and made my way down to go to my favorite place in the Nest, the Secret Room. I was going to camp there.
As I made my way down I started running into my prey way earlier than the basement. An exoray aggro'd me and I had to charm it. It was tough so I released it and grabbed a EM fly. I S/I jigged and made my way to the basement to find brand new mobs down there. They were all IT, so I kind of rolled my eyes and fought the nearest Exoray with my fly. 200 EXP easy. Killed another. Chain 1 for 240 EXP, easy. Killed another. Chain 2 for 260 EXP, easy. I couldn't believe how well this was going.
Long story short, in about 8 hours of play solo in this nest, I am now 56 Beastmaster, very close to 57.
And it was fun.
I am returning to Vana'diel for the time being.