I have completed quite a bit more of my Trial of the Magians swords since my last post. First of all, I am now working on birds for my double attack sword. Funny enough, I have finished birds on my AGI/Evasion sword. I am not on Marlboros x 200, which has proven to not be an option in Aht Urghan area. I am thinking about heading to Riverne B01 to get that done near the end of the area. Those are low EP and don't have a mean TP attack that makes RDM suck.

Darkcow has been powering up his Samurai to make our duoing a little more exciting and open up new opportunities for us. He has gone from 16 to 42 very quickly, and tonight we are duoing Yhoator Jungle fields of valor as my White Mage and his Samurai, level synced to my 37WHM. As we speak, I am about to hit 38, which is 2 levels from the 40 cap at which I will certainly stop, because I despise White Mage.
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