Today, the servers came back up, but with 8 less servers. My server, Cerberus, has acquired the Hades server, nearly doubling the current population. I am happy about this, for certain. More people = more action, and maybe I could even party my Blue Mage instead of soloing in Xarcabard.
Darkcow and I attained Rank 8 in Bastok on Sunday evening. We blazed through 7-1, demolishing the golems in Ro'Maeve. Duo'd as 75THF/NIN and 75WHM/BLM.
Then we went to Palborough Mines and into Waughroon Shrine and fought the 4 Quadav BCNM (4 Yagudo equivalent in Windurst) and won in 25 minutes of the 30 minute time limit. It wasn't terribly easy, but we were never really scared of dying except for maybe once. Duo'd as 75RDM/BLM and 75WHM/BLM.
The Antican fight (Bastok 8-1) was certainly difficult, but we managed it. As RDM/BLM I pulled them all the way to the zone, and Darkcow waited on the side and cast Repose on the Warrior NM. After zoning to Altepa, we rezoned to Quicksands and duo'd this rather tough Antican, and got our cutscene.
3 missions remain until Bastok is complete. 8-2 is an easy ghost fight, when sneak-pull is used. 9-1 is the Gigaplasm fight, which is apparently a nightmare, so that will be fun for us. And last, but not least, the 9-2 fight vs. secret enemy. He's easy except for the fact that he spawns two shadow adds. I am thinking that, if they can't be slept, that I will go as RDM/BLU and fight them separately while Darkcow stays on the secret enemy. We'll see, that's the one I've always been worried about us duoing since we have low damage per second output but high survivability.
My Blue Mage is now 56, and still aiming to get to 60 as soon as possible. I need to work on getting spells though. I've gotten pretty far behind.
And, finally, Moblin Maze Mongers.
I have been doing a lot of reading on this. It seems incredibly fun and a potential place to gain experience in a closed but easy way. Darkcow and I gave it a try doing it legitimately, but it was taking too long and we got Tigers, and their paralyze hurt us. (He went as NIN/DNC and I as BLU/DNC.) We beat the tigers, but got to the Mandragoras and realized we had too little time left. Either we need to get another person to play it with us, or we need to go as two strictly damage dealing jobs with no MP to rest up.
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