I seriously have only played for like an hour total since my last update. I am so sick of college, it's ridiculous. However, I am graduating in December, so there is a light at the end.
Anyway, in the short amount of time I got to play I decided to splurge and buy all my mats with which to level my Clothcraft.
Insect Wingx48 = 4,000 gil
Wind Crystalx36 = 1,800 gil (They were cheap in Jeuno last night!)
Total = 5,800 gil
Sold 4 stacks of Lightning Crystals @1,500gil, = 6,000gil.
I have to justify my spending at all times. :)
Anyway, here are the results of my synthing:
My skill-up rate was insane last night. Seriously, every other successful synth was a 0.1 or 0.2 skill-up. I am only 0.2 points from hitting 48 now, too, which means I can soon raise my rank which opens up some sweet Clothcrafting spectacles!
70,000 guild points. Only 68,200 to go!
Goals are fun, though.
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