Well, on one hand, I got my THF to 71 through many campaigns and one very painful party.
Then, I decided to go retrain myself in the art of RDM/BLM Grav/bind/sleep nuking. It's probably one of the easier soloing methods, sure, but I had to rebuild all my macros for my new computer, and things like that, so it took me a bit.
Well, I first went straight for Dahaks in Mount Zhaylom, which I've solo'd many times before. I died. So I went back to Wamoura Princes and solo'd a few of those to get back into the groove of things. Then I solo'd one of the flying Wamoura, and killed that without too much trouble, so I figured I was ready to try a Dahak again. Heh, well. I died. Again. This put me at one death to deleveling my Red Mage for the first time, ever. So.... I have now returned to the Wamoura Prince camp near the Dahaks, and here I am just cruising through them, and I have now created a buffer for myself. I will try Dahaks again, soon. And once I get one down, I will post, because I know I can beat those shitholes. :(
<3 that exp, no ring or anything.
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